Sunday 31 January 2010

The Viking Museum at Borg, Lofoten islands

The Viking territories

The Lofotr Borg Viking Museum is located 55 km from the town of Svolvaer, in the Lofoten Islands.

It was in 1982 that a farmer found some interesting "potsherds"; anthropologists and archeologists who excavated the land found evidences of the Viking era. The farmstead which was found after the excavation was discovered to be the property of one of the most important chieftains of the Viking region. The museum was constructed at this place.

In Northern Norway during the Iron-age, there were about 10-15 Chiefdoms, one of which was at Borg in Lofoten. Excavations shows that it was established around 500 AD.

Archaeological studies formed the basis when the house was reconstructed. The ground plan, the room partitions, the location of poles and fire places, the wooden walls and outer walls made of grass turf could all be reconstructed in accordance with the excavated structures.

Structures in the ground and the artefacts that have been found indicate that a chieftain lived here. The farm was evidently different from surrounding farms.

In the area there are also vestiges of boat houses for long-boats, circular tunnel systems, barrows, and vestiges of other long-houses. Added together, these remains indicate that there was a concentration of power in the area during the Iron age.

The Viking Museum displays:

- The 83 m long reconstructed long-house
- a reconstructed boathouse
- a forge
- several artifacts - and the Viking long ship "Lofotr"

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