Tuesday 26 June 2018

Elduvik, hidden wonder village in the Faroe Islands,

Have you ever heard about Elduvik ? And still, this is a charming small village in astonishing scenario. Fjords are a Norse privilege, but Elduvik is not Icelandic, Norwegian, Greenlandic or even Canadian.

Elduvik sits on a remote corner of Eysturoy, an island of the remote Faroe archipelago. No wonder it keeps some authenticity from old times, and all that makes it a fine Ultima Thule.

Elduvik is an ancient settlement - the oldest written mention of the village is the Hundebrevet, a document found in the Faroe Islands, written between 1350 and 1400.

On the Funningsfjørður inlet, at Eysturoy island's northeast side, Elduvik is 31 km north of Tórshavn, the capital town. The village is split into two parts by the small creek, and houses are assembled in two clusters on both sides of the little stream.

Elduvik east side and the view to Kalsoy in the distance.

Elduvík, Eysturoy, Faroe Islands

Coordinates: 62°17′ N, 6° 54′W
Population: ~ 30

Elduvík with its clustering houses protecting each other.

Old houses in traditional grass-roofed style are still standing.

Elduvik gives an impressive experience of the variety of Faroese scenery and habitation style.

A black tarred wooden house with foundations of masonry natural stone.

Tourist lodge for summer, Millum Stovu 2

The view:

The colours of Elduvik.

The first church in Elduvík was established in 1951.

Elduvik Church is just above the river. In front, the old school (red) facing the fiord.
It is built in white painted wood.

The clock tower that stands out from the gable.The church's old clock is from 1951, molded by The Smithy Foundries in Aalborg.

The church has three-storey ceilings and both the ceiling and walls are painted in a pale yellow color.

Under the ceiling hangs a model of a ferry boat.

The church does not turn west-east, as normal, but north-south.

Just a few meters from the church, "The Old Store" is now a tourist lodge.

And the next house displays the post box and the fire pump!

At the fjord's bank are the old stores and boat houses.

A ramp slipway to help the small boats up from the fjord's waters.

A scenic quay bt the Funning fjord.

The Stóra stream flowing into the fjord. Far away the island of Kalsoy.

An Aurora over the Funningsfjørður:


  1. Not totally. Near Tórshavn, the capital, they managed to have a small forested park. But that needs a lot of care, as do some other isolated trees and shrubs.
