The region of Chukotka is located in the extreme northeast of Russia, on a volcanic treeless tundra with a coast overlooking the Bering sea; after decades of isolation and abandon, the region of Chukotka finally called the attention of planners, business men and financial power.

Located at the mouth of the Anadyr River, Anadyr is an important sea port on the Gulf of Anadyr on the Bering Sea, and the easternmost town in Asia. A modern airport serves several cities in the Russian Far East, like Khabarovsk, but also offers flights to Moscow or even to Nome, Alaska.
Отке улица (Otke Street)
Anadyr has been rebuilt from the old ugly five-story boxy soviet blocks, repainted in bright lively colours and renewed with new buildings and avenues, the seaport repaired and modernized.

Coordinates: 64°44′ N, 177°31′ E, the easternmost town in Russia and Eurasia.
Population: ~ 11 000, mainly Chukchi and Inuits.
This is somehow the russian counterpart, on the other side of the Bering sea, of Alaskan towns like Nome .
This is somehow the russian counterpart, on the other side of the Bering sea, of Alaskan towns like Nome .

"Peeling and cracking five-story Khrushchev-era pile-dwellings, huts and sheds where people also lived. The streets were crisscrossed by sewage and heating pipes".
Well, aparently Anadyr did change from that horrendous era of misery and decadence.

Anadyr was founded on August 3, 1889 as Novo-Mariinsk, and renamed on August 5, 1923, in memory of a Cossac site of mid-XVII century. For many years, it was just a Russian post for sovereignty purposes, where some military forces dragged their miserable existence, lacking the basic conditions for civilized life.
Modern times came long after the end of the soviet era.
A sunny spring in town

Houses of the russian new rich, with a view to the Bering sea.
Nice new housing on Otke Street
But the most amazing is the new
Holy Trinity Cathedral :
Built on stilts over the permafrost, it's the largest othodox cathedral in Russia.

The cathedral's rich Iconostasis, in blue and gold, follows the Andrei Rublev tradition.
The main door, carved in fragrant spruce wood.
The Cathedral was built on a flat small promontory that is now the town center, at the crossing of Otke and Lenin streets.
The new center, with the cathedral, the Culture House and a huge statue of St. Nicholas. The idea was to create a sort of Kremlin, but something is missing - History, maybe.
The new Culture House and Museum

But it was a most important improvement in town, bringing a library, hall, museum, and cultural life that was missing in this far east remoteness.
Pride of the museum - the art of bone carving.
The settlement of Uelen, by the arctic sea, is famous for the quality of bone carving.

When the weather is fine, the best walk for local residents is along the Anadyr estuary, which surrounds the town on all sides.
Panoramic street down to the river and port.
The port, some years ago full of rusting hulls, also benefited from new painting - even the cranes are colourful now...
Anadyr river basin is quite rich in salmon, and the salmon fisheries are one of the main business here as well as an important means of subsistence.
Every year, on the last Sunday in April, there is an ice fishing competition in the frozen estuary waters of Anadyr River's mouth.
Chukotka region
Chukotka is located on the very northeastern tip of Eurasia, between the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, sharing a maritime border with United States' Alaska. About half of its area is within the Arctic Circle, where polar nights reign in winter and the Northern Lights brighten up the sky during the long winter season.
Reindeer, upon which the local inhabitants subsisted, were once herded in large numbers. As the herding of domestic reindeer has declined, the number of wild caribou has increased.
Chukchi girls.
Anadyr port, and the Bering sea at dusk.
Looks very pretty. Too bad it's too cold for a person from a warmer climate to actually live.
Right, it is very cold. People live there, anyway, and in better comfort than some years ago.
Worth a visit in spring or summer, maybe.
Wonderful to discover your blog! I am fascinated by places 'on the edge' - it's my dream to visit Svalbard, and the Queen Charlotte Islands off the coast of BC, Canada. Until I do, I'll keep checking back here for my fix of the ends of the Earth.
PS - I think I recognise the 'Mount Thule' painting on your sidebar as being by one of the Canadian 'Group of Seven' artists, is that right?
Yes, Linda, 'Mount Thule' is a work of Lawren Harris, one of the Seven.
I'm glad you enjoyed your visit here, I also visited your profile and I found a lot of interesting sites there, we surely share common views of our world.
I know this wasn't your intention, but I just wanted to thank you for the information. I'm doing a project in my science class about climate,weather etc. about certain places. My group got Anadyr. So I just wanted to say thanks. This really helped our project.
My pleasure, Amy :)
Thank you for the beautiful photographs.
Being from another northern place, I would love to live in such a colorful town.
Maybe someday...
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