Khabarovsk, pop. 600 000, is the largest city of the Russian Far East.
Location 48.5°N , 135.1°E
It is located at the confluence of the Amur River with its tributary the Ussuri River.
In spite of the location just 25 km from China, it looks definitely European with tree-lined streets and graceful architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and retains a distinct international feel.
Two years in a row it is a winner of the most beautiful town in Russia.
The main street, Muraviov-Amursky, looks more elegantly old-fashioned than any other street in Khabarovsk; it's a live chronicle of the city's history.

Khabarovsk has about 60 museums. The Far East Art Museum includes works by Titian and art by the indigenous peoples of the Amur region.
The building is also the Concert Hall for the ciy's orchestra. Cultural life is intense, with several theaters, cinemas, galleries and parks.
The stairway down to Khabarovsk's Amur River embankment reflects the city’s order, elegance and cleanliness.
The promenade along the Amur river, overlooking to China, is one of the city's most loved and cared walks.
Khabarovsk is also rich in churches, some recent and others recently restored.
Khabarovsk station is a major stop on the Trans-Siberian Railway.
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