Baker Lake is a native village located near the geographical centre of Canada:
Other major rivers - the Kazan and the Dubawnt - flow into Baker lake. The lake is also connected to Hudson Bay by way of Chesterfield Inlet.

The local Inuit name this village as Qamani’tuuq, meaning, “where the river widens”.
Coordinates: 64'18' N, 96'04' W

The hamlet was founded in 1961, and has been growing due to local mining.
It has a health center, small hotels, swimming pool, library, primary and secondary school, youth centre and three small churches.

A Church in the snow
Baker Lake is an intriguing example of a modern day arctic community, for the amazing growth of its artistic community. With Cape Dorset and Pangnirtung, Baker Lake is well known for its inuit arts and craft activities.
The Jessie Oonark Centre
Distinguished artists and studios promoting arts and crafts, such as the Jessie Oonark Centre, and well-established independent art galleries, are famous for the quality of their art.

The old Hudson Bay Company store

The centre is a replica of the old store. Staff will help arrange local tours, and will make suggestions on local walks to appreciate the beauty of the rivers and the tundra.

The Rivers

The Kazan River flows north for 732 km before discharging into the southeastern corner of Baker lake.

The Thelon River is one the great rivers of the North.

It flows eastwards 904 km to discharge into Baker Lake and Chesterfield Inlet. The river's middle and lower reaches have been designated as a Heritage River.
For the Inuit of Baker Lake, these rivers are a vital source of caribou, fish and spiritual renewal. Not only did the Inuit People live near and around these rivers, but they provided the means and the route to the North for many of the Europeans that traveled and traded in that area.