In Antarctica, there is an island so surprising and thrilling that Jules Verne, in his "20 000 leagues under the sea", might have made it the mysterious secret base of the Nautilus - a hidden volcano's caldera.
That's Deception Island, Antarctica, one of the South Shetland Islands.

Deception Island (coordinates 62° 55-57' S, 60° 37-38' W) is one of the most incredible islands on the planet.

This old volcanic crater flooded by sea is just 120 km North of the Antarctic Peninsula, and less than 500 km north of the South Polar (Antarctic) Circle, and is the south limit of the (in)famous Drake Passage.

The center of Deception Island has a distinctive horse-shoe shape around the large flooded caldera, with 9 km in diameter - called Port Foster, a wide basin-like harbour.

Port Foster has just one narrow entrance by sea into the internal warm water lagoon, through a narrow channel called Neptunes Bellows.

The interior lagoon allowed seal and whale hunting ships to enter and find shelter since the 19th century. In 1914, 13 ships were docked at the whaling station; they were equipped to extract the oil from whale fat.

Two hills around 500 m high are the only elevations; the rest of the edge is lower than 100 m.
This is one of the safest natural harbours in the world, and the only place where vessels can sail directly into the center of a restless volcano. So it's a top destination for antarctic tourist cruises.


Bailey Head, at the east side, is the southern extremity of a long straight black beach:

Gabriel de Castilla , the spanish research base

Gabriel de Castilla was a spanish navy Admiral who sailed around 1603 by these antarctic waters, and reached 60º South.