Pond Inlet (pop. 1400) is situated at 72º 41’N, 78º 00’W, about 700 km north of the Polar Circle, on the northeastern shore of Baffin Island, across from Bylot Island.
The Inuit call Pond Inlet Mittimatalik or the resting place of Mittima, an Inuk whose memory has been perpetuated through the years. Back in 1930's, Inuit were coming to Mittimatalik mostly in the spring to trade furs and to spend few weeks at the trading post or at the mission.
The comunity is considered one of Canada's "jewels of the North": a gorgeous scenery, mountain ranges all around, icebergs most often, several dozen glaciers, explorable ice caves, and many grand and picturesque inlets overlooking the waters of Eclipse Sound across to the towering mountains and glaciers of Bylot Island and Sirmilik National park.
Caribou, fox, seal or fish are the main resources of the settlement's population.

Inuksuk Residence,

Richard Carbonnier is a Montreal-born architect who spent four years building this tube house to suit – and tread lightly on – the polar environment.
The comunity is considered one of Canada's "jewels of the North": a gorgeous scenery, mountain ranges all around, icebergs most often, several dozen glaciers, explorable ice caves, and many grand and picturesque inlets overlooking the waters of Eclipse Sound across to the towering mountains and glaciers of Bylot Island and Sirmilik National park.
Caribou, fox, seal or fish are the main resources of the settlement's population.

Inuksuk Residence,
Richard Carbonnier's innovative arctic house

Richard Carbonnier is a Montreal-born architect who spent four years building this tube house to suit – and tread lightly on – the polar environment.
The building stands on three floating footings. The curves allow the building to stand up to high winds better than a conventional design.
Made from three large aluminum cylinders that intersect at a living room space
The amazing Bylot Island

Hoodoos in Bylot

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