Some more about Khabarovsk: this is a quite remote city that has an incredible cultural standard. The Museum borough is amazing.
The museum also has a collection of early slavic icons:

As for the beautiful Archeological Museum, the main feature are the reproductions and diagrams of the wide-eyed figures found at the ancient Sikachi-Alyan petroglyphs. some dating from 30 000 years ago.

There are several theaters and a permanent circus in town. This is the beautiful brick façade of the Theater for the young spectators:
Only completed in 2004, this is the 3rd tallest church in all Russia.
The adjacent Orthodox Seminar, in the same square:
Science also has a strong presence; this is the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with several research areas: mathematics, computers, geophysics, economics, mining...

I will end with the promenade along the Amur river, overlooking at China, which is in itself a work if art: